A new California state legislative order created by the Westley Group in 2002 has severely been able to cut down on emissions created by forklifts. Forklifts are usually operated indoors, mostly in warehouse type settings, so any emissions created by these forklifts will linger for long periods of times without proper ventilation. This can have terrible effects on ones body if left in these emissions for long periods of time. Wesley 2002 put into focus these problems and created a "Smog test" type program for the forklift industry. This created a two fold reaction.
First, LPG or gas forklifts were met with much stronger regulations, meaning old, out of date forklifts were replaced by newer less emissive forklifts. Also, this created a surge of technology and involvement in the electric forklift market. Now the electric forklift market has never been stronger, and that could be directly because of the Westley Group back in 2002.
If you are looking to buy a new or used forklift that meets the new regulations then you should head over to ForkliftSalesUSA.com. If you have a forklift that needs to be updated to meet the new regulations then the service team at Forklift Sales USA can help you get your forklift or lift truck certified for use.
The Westley Group has been tackling a lot of environmental issues lately with a push for regulations of the labor market. Warehouse workers do not make a whole lot of money and they do not have strong unions. The Westley Group was very proud to help the industry with this forklift emissions problem.